Sarah & Jason’s wedding was everything a wedding should be.  Filled with love, support, emotion and well.. pretty things! The afternoon started at her parent’s beautiful home in New Castle, NH for a few final touches before it was off to the church. It was not fooling around raining, but that didn’t stop Sarah smiling …

Oh sweet sweet squishy face Eliza.  How I adore your fluffy hairs and your pouty, perfectly formed baby lips. Your shar pei-esque wrinkly skin and your sleepy faces. Your ability to think outside the box at such and early age.  Anyone can just lay in the cocoon, you, you made it a turtle shell. Your …

Nothing says love, or true New-Englander, like a Valentine’s Weekend wedding in NH 🙂  Chris and Danica took the ultimate leap of faith – trusting the weather – for their nuptial plans and it went off without a hitch!   I arrived at the Executive Court as Danica was finishing up the final details.  I LOVE her …

This job affords many wonders and privileges.  Somewhere in the top tier of that list is the documentation of tiny humans.  Dani is one of them.  This is the 3rd time I was asked to document her family and I was stoked to learn there was cake involved! Cake you say!? Look at the teeth! …

After meeting Katie & Jed at Kate & Marcus’ wedding in 07.08 and then taking their engagement photos on a super chilly day in 11.08, I KNEW that 12.11.09 was going to be an absolutely fantastical time!  I arrived at Bedford Village Inn as hair and makeup was finishing up with Katie’s mum. And Katie was …

This is Reed in 2008.  We hung around and shared some sideways glances.  This is Reed 2009.  Those sideways glances have become confidence & smiles!  Oh and he has a new pet! A whole bunch of them actually!  And each and every one of them has a name, and he can tell you all about …

Nicole & Jay contacted me in September for their November wedding.  That left October for engagement photos.  When I suggested this location they were just as excited as I was and we met up for some f.u.n.! Jay is full of love – the moment I arrived he jumped out of the car and hugged …

Kacy & David got married!  Which is the general course of things after you have engagement pictures taken 😉 I arrived, at what felt like, really really early to Kacy’s hotel room where she & the girls were getting finishing touches on hair & makeup Another friend from High School – Elissa – was Kacy’s …

I met Brian & Tara at an 80’s night in December something like 32 seconds after they got engaged.  Tara and I clicked and she really committed herself to the footloose dance (complete with bruises) .. I knew that I really really wanted to photograph their wedding and I was SO Excited. And I just …

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