Annie's Angels Heavenly Ball 03.26.11 | Portsmouth, NH Charity Event Photography This year the ball was hosted at the new, gorgeous, Portsmouth Harbor Events in downtown Portsmouth, NH. Score: 0.30 happenings annies angels, charity, portsmouth, portsmouth harbor events
Angela & Evan: A York Dockside Wedding We would highly recommend Melissa to anyone looking for a wedding photographer." Event Coordinator Nicole Mower Weddings & Events Officiant Jill Carroll Florist Ideas in bloom Venue The Dockside Restaurant Cake Vendor Maryann Kane Hair & Makeup Brittany Moulton Transportation York Trolley… Score: 0.30 weddings dockside, ideas in bloom, maryann kane, me, nicole mower, york, york trolley
Angela & Andrew: Hampton NH New Year’s Eve Engagement Photos These two were referred to me by my dear friend, previous bride, and wedding planner extraordinaire – Nicole from Nicole Mower Weddings & Events .Their wedding happens to be this weekend and I’m SO excited to see it all come together. Score: 0.30 engagement beach, exeter nh, hampton beach, hampton nh, Hampton NH New Year's Eve Engagement Photos, ocean, winter, winter engagement photos
Spring Sale @ MKP! MelissaKoren *offer applies to all customers new & returning on new event & portrait bookings only, cannot be applied to previously scheduled events. Score: 0.30 MKP promotions
Folded fingers and folded toes. This sweet love is the daughter of one of my favorite couples and their Portsmouth Harbor Events wedding ! Score: 0.30 newborn
K Family! Prescott Park Family Photos From their Portsmouth Harbor Events Wedding to newborn pictures for the kids, to a few mini sessions here and there. Score: 0.30 family + lifestyle portsmouth nh, portsmouth nh newborn photos, portsmouth nh wedding photos, prescott park, prescott park family photos
Allie: 16 days old! Brentwood NH At home newborn session This family has been a part of my heart since Brian & Liz's Portsmouth Harbor Events wedding a few years back. Score: 0.30 newborn at home, newborn, nh, seacoast newborn photography, sibling
Kristi & Steve’s Engagement Party 08.14.10 | York, ME Engagement Photos I don't usually do two events in one day, but the Conlan's are like family and I did my best! Score: 0.30 engagement engagement, fosters downeast clambake, me, york
Laura & Kristen 10.11.08 Then as we waited for the events to begin I poked around their reception – I laughed SO HARD when I found these at their sweetheart head table:Their ceremony was so sweet. Score: 0.30 weddings nashua, nh, same sex, wedding
Angela & Evan and Roxy! Newborn Puppy Shoot York ME …into Evan breifly while I was getting ready for Kayla & Paloma's same sex Dockside Wedding (another collaboration with the fantastic Nicole Mower Wedding and Events.) He mentioned that he and Angela were thinking of doing a family session soon. Score: 0.30 family + lifestyle Newborn Puppy Shoot York ME