Brian and Liz are such good people. They have been supporting my ever evolving business for over 7 years. From their Portsmouth Harbor Events Wedding to newborn pictures for the kids, to a few mini sessions here and there. It makes me so happy every time I see Liz pop up in my email. This time she had a great idea. A family photo shoot to celebrate their five year wedding anniversary! They’ve accomplished so much in the past five years! A new home, a cheesy grin fun loving, very good listener son and a shy, demure, hard nut to crack but super adorable daughter! We got together for Prescott Park Family Photos back to the very spot that we used for their wedding photos. Brian was in his wedding Adidas and Liz braved the bricks again in her wedding heels – these heels are a gorgeous color blue unlike any other I’ve ever seen. I’m envious of people who can wear heels gracefully. Not only was she graceful, she balanced a toddler on one hip and chased a rambunctious kiddo around for smiles.
Thank you, friends! I look forward to our next encounter!