Objectives completed from these Odiorne Point NH Family Photos:
- We raised money for a great cause!
- This session was a gift certificate for the silent auction at the New Generation Benefit Gala held this past spring. (New Generation provides shelter and guidance for pregnant and parenting homeless women and their infants regardless of race, religion, marital status, disability, or economic status. They offer more than shelter. Each resident participates in a program designed to increase proper and effective parenting and increase self-sufficiency.) I was happy to help this amazing cause!
- Captured family photos for a family whose kids are nearly grown!
- There’s never a bad time for family photos, but when it’s been over a decade and your kids are starting off on their own paths, there’s no better time!
- Included a mini-engagement session!
- Talk about starting off on their own path – one of their sons just asked the love his life to marry him! She said yes and being essentially family, was roped into… I mean asked to join.. the family photos. We made sure to get some of the newly betrothed couple, too!*
- *while I enjoy multitasking, and this session was a lot of fun, I have to say I don’t recommend an audience for a true engagement session. Something about your sisters and brother (and parents) heckling you takes away from the romance 😉
- A beautiful evening spent by the ocean!
Any way you slice it, this session was a hit! We laughed our butts off! Can you imagine what family dinner and bigger family celebrations are like?! What a great way to grow up!