north shore LGBT maternity and newborn photos

Baby Arzu! North Shore LGBT Maternity and Newborn Photos

Ah, sweet baby love! Between their Exeter, NH Winter Engagement Session and amazing MA LGBT Yacht Club Wedding these two had obtained a little piece of my heart.  So when they contacted me to let me know they were having a baby, I was more than a little overjoyed for our North Shore LGBT maternity and newborn photos!

Always up for an adventure with a degree of chilliness in the air, we met in Newburyport on a brisk, blustery late January day.  We had a fantastic mini session alternating between hiding from the wind, and embracing it.  Newburyport is full of a variety of backdrops in a small circumference, it’s one of my favorite places for a quick session to share the love. 

Just barely a month later, Baby Arzu made her way into this world.  Upon meeting her a bigger piece of my heart was claimed and I was instantly smitten.  I asked what her name meant and her moms told me “wish”.  I pretty much burst into tears right in their kitchen.  It was so wonderful and so fitting for these two.  And OH what a looker she is!! 



Black and White Family Photos

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