There are two schools of thought when it comes to NH Senior Yearbook Photos.
- It’s a HUGE deal and your senior should be treated like royalty. The moment is completely about them and the beginning of their journey into their last year of high school. A singular celebration of the precipice of the last ‘baby steps’ they’ll ever take.
- Cool. You’re graduating. We’re SO proud of you and so excited for your future! You need a photo for the yearbook and your brother is hanging around and could use some fun shots of him and more importantly, the both of you at this moment in time.
I definitely gravitate more towards the latter in my style. If you’re the first kind of senior, and you’re planning for hair and makeup, a wardrobe collection in the back of the car rivaled only by the shoe selection, and a list of 4 different places you *have* to have your pictures taken, that’s wonderful! You do you! But if you’re kinda chill about the whole thing, just hoping to make sure you’re going to look back on this in 5, 10, 25 years and recognize who you really were at this time in your life, that’s more my speed.
I like a relaxed session where the focus is on your everyday life, and I highly encourage you to get siblings in on the act for a few shots too. It IS monumental. Senior year is a big deal. But you are still you and who you are right now is a big/little brother/sister – and that’s cool too! (Plus, who knows how much longer you’ll be taller than he is – it’s good to have proof it happened once)