Are you ready to smile? And then smile some more? Just wait til you meet Miss Paisley – From the moment I walked into this Nashua NH At Home Newborn Session I was smitten! The cat *not pictured* was also intrigued. We had to keep scooping her up out of the way because she was sure this was her moment to be a diva! But nothing could steal the happiness and joy that this little one sends out into the world. A little bit older than my standard newborn session, Paisley was fully into the laughing and smiling phase. And she thought I was HILARIOUS. She’d laugh. Then I’d laugh. Then she’d laugh back at me. I’m sure it was very entertaining from an onlookers point of view. She was a trooper through mom’s props and outfit changes. And have you ever seen a more perfectly pudgy baby? Oh how I wish it was always that cute to have rolls …. 😉 I made raspberries at her to get her to laugh. Instead she just stuck her tongue back out at me. Those cheeks! (Not to be confused with those cheeks ^^) 😉
One last outfit adjustment and a few moments of loving with her beautiful mama!