Levi Axel 3 days old! 02.13.11 | Concord, NH Newborn Photography

Meet Levi!  Born on 02.10 he shares his birthday with my baby brother!  Seven pounds, ten ounces and twenty inches long.  And loaded with dark hair, just like his brother!  I love squishy rolly babiness!!

Mr. Serious (seriously not sure why the heck I have this crazy black thing in his face…)


Just look at his sweet amazing pudginess!  And look at my tall strong boy holding his tiny little lovey cousin.




What? Who put this baby in here?!  …oh but how could you not?  Lochlin, who’s getting so big so fast, came along to meet his new playmate and its obvious by now I can’t resist his sweet face… so he gets a cameo.  Levi’s ok with it.


Or maybe not.. or maybe its being compared and contrasted, or.. maybe.. just maybe.. its the vest? Nah, can’t be the vest. 😉


But big brother Reed is right there to shhhh him and calm him down.

Such beautiful children! <3


Dani turns 2! 02.06.11 | Seacoast, NH Children's Event Photographer

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