What happens during Southern NH Fall Mini Sessions?
- We take pictures.
- I sing a lot of weird songs.
- I make a lot of silly noises.
- You get all the combinations of family photos you can think of.
- We finish the session before your kids burn out, meltdown, or think that taking pictures is terrible.
When are your next mini-sessions?
October and November 2021 dates are announced – grab your spot here!
–> Booking Closed
Where do I find these announcements‽
First place you’ll find out is my newsletter! I don’t send one often, but when I do – it’s entertaining. Well, it’s entertaining to me and I’ve had others tell me the same thing. You be the judge! (Sign up at the bottom of this page!)
This year 75% of mini sessions were gone via email before they hit social media! It’s really the first place for the news you want! 😂