Every time this family books me for Maine Family Photos I know it’s going to be magic. And watching these little boys grow up is such a gift!
When I first started photographing this family that tall one there was about the same size as the small one is now.
Where does the time go!?
I love watching cousins interact with each other. It’s like a sibling, but new and shiny. And usually not around long enough for you to start “hating” for taking up your space.
Plus with Aunts and Uncles around you always have someone else to laugh at what your parents no longer think is funny. HAHA.
maine family photos. Wedding, Family and Newborn Photographer Melissa Koren Photography photographs good people. (How’s that for overuse of a word!) This NH based photographer provides a relaxed, outside the box approach where the value is put on fun and efficiency. Wonderful, loving, quirky, sassy, laughing, fantastic, and often cheeky people like you. Photos for you! You are good people! Microweddings, Intimate NH LGBT Wedding photography, Adorable MA Newborn photos, ME Engagement Picture Sessions, Seacoast NH Family photographer.
There are adventures to have and memories to keep so let’s get to it!
Based in Exeter, NH, Melissa Koren Photography works in New Hampshire, Maine, Massachusetts and anywhere you’ll have me! Outside the box, fun, photography for good people. Good people like you! NH, Maine & Beyond. You can see more of my work online at melissakoren.com and also on Facebook and Instagram! If you’d rather contact me directly, please email me at melissa@melissakoren.com!