personal brand session

How to be a boss in front of the camera. Part 1.

While a headshot is not a brand session, it certainly is a part of it. In order to help people feel a little more comfortable and confident with the idea of a full Personal Brand Session, I’ve been offering a series of Headshot Days, as well as some tips to kick it into overdrive in front of the camera!

1. To thine own self be true. 

I used to hide my curls away and cover up my freckles with makeup.  I never felt like myself in the photos I’d see myself in.

Once I made the decision to embrace what makes me unique (visually at least) I started seeing a change in how I perceived photos of myself. (The number of compliments grew, too, so that didn’t hurt)

2. Turtle it. 

What did you just say to me? What feels ridiculously awkward can be the number one trick to keeping your chin singular and your neck lean. Pretend you’re trying to hit a button in front of you with your chin.

Like a turtle coming out of its shell.  Extend your neck forward and voila! Try it in the mirror, or when you take your next selfie. The more you practice the less awkward it feels!

3. String it along. 

When I was taking voice lessons, the teacher would tell me to imagine there was a string connected to the tiptop of my head.  She’d then tell me to imagine someone pulling that string right up and connecting it to the ceiling. (You just sat up a little straighter, didn’t you)

Lengthening through your whole body is a great place to start. From there you can shift your weight to one leg, pop a knee or a hip, and separate your gently bent elbows from your body a bit.  (I’ll talk you throw it, no worries)

These lovely folks joined me at the sessions I did at The Loft Co-Working space in Newmarket. And as an aside – if you’re looking for a convenient, cozy workspace, you need to check it out!

Personal Brand Session by Melissa Koren Photography. You can see more of my work online at and also on Facebook and Instagram! If you’d rather contact me directly, please email me at


Be kind, like the trees.

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