Reese: 18 months old! 09.23.11 | Derry, NH Children's Photography

If you’re a regular reader (thank you!) you might remember this sweet little girl from her many other appearances on the blog.  A lot of times I can tell what the toddler versions of my newborns will look like, but Reese is ever evolving and more and more gorgeous every time I see her.  Her 18 month shoot was no exception!

 She showed off her newly renovated sunshiney playroom.

 And then we went outside to see what we could see.

 12-36 months can be hard ages to shoot.  Kiddos have learned to walk, and explore, and really have no interest in being remotely confined or told what to do.  So in a stroke of genius, with the weather being perfect, we did a project!

 AYKM?!  I can’t think of a better way to capture this age!

 And because we were outside, we just picked up and hosed her off.

 Thanks you Reese, and your mommy & baba, for keeping me in the loop of your life.  I love seeing the beautiful young lady you are becoming!


Owen: One Month Old! 09.22.11 | New Hampshire Newborn Photography

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