Caleb: 8 days old! 06.11.11 | Massachusetts Newborn Photography

It’s a monumental thing when the person you’ve known longer than anyone you’re blood related to has a baby.  And that’s just what it was to meet this little guy, monumental.

I cried when I learned he’d come into this world and made my dearest friend the one thing she’d longed to be – a mother. <3

After a painstakingly slow 8 days between learning he was here and getting to smooch on him, I was finally able to head down to them and sniff his sweet newborn head.

Oh yeah, and take some photos. 😀

He certainly is a blue eyed wonder baby!

Dancer’s feet like his mama maybe?

Hell bent on NOT going to sleep; we finally milk coma’d him into a peaceful snooze

Which didn’t last too long – at which point he gave me a look and shook his fist at me.  Then peered around to see if anyone was going to save him from this torture.

Alas, all he found was me.  Sweet sweet boy!

My visit was all too short but full of sweet snuggles.  I’m sure he’s a toddler by now, pulling things off the shelves and being devilishly handsome! <3

Love you both!



Nathalie & Danielle: Eloped! 06.07.11 | Portsmouth, NH Elopement Photographer

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