Oh sweet sweet squishy face Eliza. How I adore your fluffy hairs and your pouty, perfectly formed baby lips.
Your shar pei-esque wrinkly skin and your sleepy faces.
Your ability to think outside the box at such and early age. Anyone can just lay in the cocoon, you, you made it a turtle shell.
Your love of basking in the warmth of late March sunlight.
Your big brother, with whom I’ve shared walks & photos; chickens & eggs.
And now I get to watch him adore you, so gentle and proud.
With a smile that won’t budge and awe for all your tiny, working parts.
And your different faces; although in retrospect we should have realized what that one was. And yet; how I adore you for being a good little sister and getting a head start on tormenting your older brother when all he’s trying to do is look out for you – even if he pretends to have little interest when you’re both a few years older.
Dear Eliza, I adore your family and I’m so glad you arrived (however late you decided to be) to come to join it!